TFHE and Applications
Abstract: TFHE is a fully homomorphic encryption scheme that enables fast homomorphic operations on booleans, integers and reals. By enabling both leveled and bootstrapped operations, TFHE can be used for a wide range of use-cases, from homomorphic boolean circuits to homomorphic neural networks. In this talk, we will present TFHE and explain the key concepts behind it. We will also present practical applications when this scheme can be efficiently used.
Bio: Ilaria is a researcher in cryptography, specialized in homomorphic encryption, and currently Director of Research at Zama. She studied mathematics at a young age in order to get closer to cryptography. She notably co-authored TFHE, one of the fastest homomorphic encryption schemes in the world. She is the author of several publications, and winner of the “Best Paper Awards” at Asiacrypt 2016 as well as the iDASH competition in 2019. Before joining Zama, Ilaria was at Microsoft Research and then in postdoc at KU Leuven. She holds a BSc from Cagliari University, a MSc from Joseph Fourier University in Grenoble, and a PhD from Versailles Paris-Saclay.